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32nd PIN Exhibition LOVE & PEACE 2021
PIN.2021 1st International Poster Exhibition of Love and Peace


International invited artist

2020年夏、32回目のLOVE & PEACE展はコロナ禍の中、開催中止を余儀なくされました。

しかし愛と平和へのメッセージを伝えるために、私たちPINの会は32回目の展覧会を幻で終わらせるのではなく、さらにパワーアップし、今年2021年夏、新たに「第1回 愛と平和の国際ポスター展」を企画しました。










In summer 2020, we were compelled to cancel the 32nd Love & Peace exhibition amid the COVID-19 crisis.
Nonetheless, to convey our message of love and peace, we in PIN were determined not to let the 32nd exhibition end up a mere illusion, and to make a new event that's even bigger and better, we planned the 1st International Poster Exhibition of Love and Peace, to take place this summer 2021.
We called upon creators and artists around the world to take part, receiving 108 pieces from 83 persons in 31 countries.
Along with our astonishment at this tremendous response far exceeding our expectations, we are greatly encouraged to see how other creators also share our strong commitment to communicating a message of peace.
Determined to showcase all of the hundred-plus works we received, we screened a slide-show video of the message of peace from abroad, and also made this available for viewing at the association's official website and on YouTube.

The association is in its 37th year. We are grateful that we can overcome the pandemic and share with people around the world this message of love and peace that is literally from across the globe.
Please enjoy these works.

Summer 2021

© 2021 The PIN Association 無断複写・転載を禁じます

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